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Krypton Live la Barba Neagra

Krypton is a Romanian heavy metal turned pop rock band that was formed in 1982 by founder Eugen Mihaiescu. During the heavy metal years of the band, the group was able to record and release three albums. Their first recordings, all in the Romanian language, were made in 1982 and released on a various artist album entitled Formaţii Rock 7, but it wasn't until 1988 that Krypton was able to release a solo album of their own. In 1988, 30 Minute was recorded and released. By 1989, drummer Niki Dinescu left the band. A replacement for Dinescu was found, and the band recorded Fara Teama in 1990. The following year, 1991, the band released their third album entitled Lanturile which featured the same heavy metal sound as the previous albums. Prior to 2000, the band saw a constant shift in the line up. 
Former band members include:
 Gabriel "Gurita" Nicolau - Vocals
 Sandu "Butelie" Costel - Vocals (Harap Alb, Tectonic, Voltaj, Act, Interval Quartz, Transilvania)
 Dragos Docan - Vocals, Bass 
 Manuel Savu - Guitar 
George Patranoiu - Guitar 
 Valentin Stoian - Keyboards 
Razvan Lupu "Lapi" - Drums
 Cãtãlin Tuþã - keyboards 
Andy Nucã - guitar
 Bogdan Cristea - vocals
 Niki Dinescu (drums - 1986 -1989) 
 Sorin Voinea - keyboard
s Cristi Ilie - vocals
 In 2000, Razvan Fodor joined the band as lead vocalist. The line-up then consisted of: Razvan Fodor - vocals Eugen Mihaescu - guitars, vocals Marcis Nut - bass Stefan "Linda" Moisa - drums With Fodor on vocals, the band shifted from heavy metal to a more rock/pop orientation. The result was immediate commercial success in the Romanian music market. [5] The album Comercial, released in 2001, featured the video hit "Iti mai aduci aminte". In 2002, Krypton released their second CD album to feature Fodor on vocals, Stresat de timp. A video for the song, "Cerceii tai," from that album was released in June 2002 and received extensive airplay via MTV Romania. [6] In 2004, Krypton signed with Cat Music/Media Services and released their third album with Fodor in December entitled Deasupra Lumii. By the beginning of 2005, "Lasa-mi speranta," the first video release from the album, became an immediate hit in Romania and Europe. [7] Fodor was given notice by the European music community for his lead vocals for the song. "Lasa-mi speranta" became an MTV European favorite during 2005[8]. In 2006, Razvan Fodor left Krypton to pursue his career as a solo artist as well as to enhance his acting career.

Şcoala de dans "Joy2dance", la World Dance Championship

Dansul - arta prin care, cu ajutorul corpului, iti exprimi si transmiti trairile sufletesti. Cei care muncesc mult pentru a pune in scena coregrafii cunosc cel mai frumos sentiment - sa dansezi in fata unui public numeros. Important este si faptul ca munca sa-ti fie rasplatita. Atunci stii ca ceea ce faci cu pasiune si daruire este facut bine. Week-end-ul trecut, Scoala de dans. Scoala de dans Joy2Dance din Constanta a participat la concursul Dance World Cup. 

Concert Folcloric Extraordinar la Mangalia 2017

Protoieria Callatis a organizat VINERI, 30 iunie 2017, incepand cu ora 20.00, un CONCERT FOLCLORIC EXTRAORDINAR, in interpretare coral – instrumentala, sustinut de catre Corala barbateasca „ARMONIA” si Orchestra folclorica „Muzica Divertis”. Concertul s-a desfasurat in aer liber, in fata Casei de Cultura din
Mangalia. (Piata IGAF).

Folk la Nisip

Sub deviza ”Noi suntem Mangalia”, joi, 29 iunie, ora 20,00, a avut loc evenimentul artistic, ”Folk la nisip”, eveniment care a împletit muzica folk cu muzica pop/rock. Organizatori au fost Marcela Stancu, Ozzy Menabit, Lucian Faliboga și Ghiulserin Sali, co-organizator Gabriela Apostu. Au participat copiii grozavi ai Mangaliei și anume, grupul Colegiului Economic Mangalia, ”EcoVoice”, coordonat de Gabriela Apostu, grupul ”Cercetașii României-Mangalia” coordonat de Cristian Antici, alăturîndu-se acestor copii Ciprian Bodnărescu. Spațiul de desfășurare a fost pus al dispoziție de ”Lazy lounge cafe”. Muzică, mișcare, jocuri. Mulțumim foarte mult celor care ne-au fost alături, părinți, bunici, copii, prieteni, colegi, toți oameni frumoși ai Mangaliei

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